Ethics Code
Rifra finds itself carrying out its activities in an institutional, economic, political, social and cultural context that is constantly and rapidly evolving.
In order to successfully deal with the complexity of the situations in which the company finds itself operating, it is important to clearly define the set of values by which Rifra is inspired and which it wants to be respected; one of the pillars of Rifra's industrial philosophy is the attention reserved for the person, meaning both the individual and the community.
Moreover, Rifra, in the management of business and relationships, is inspired by the principles of legality, loyalty, fairness, transparency, efficiency and openness to the market. In no way the belief of acting to the benefit of the Company can justify the adoption of behaviours in contrast with these principles.
In particular, Rifra's employees shall avoid any situation that could imply, even apparently, a conflict between their personal interests and those of the Company.
For these reasons, the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct has been prepared, whose observance by the Company's Directors and Collaborators is of fundamental importance, both for the proper functioning and reliability of the Company, and for the protection of its prestige, image and know-how, factors that constitute a decisive asset for the Company's success.
Kitchens Collection
Unique and exclusive kitchens, dedicated to people who want the best.
Bathroom Collections
RiFRA bathrooms are perfectly in line with the Kitchens range.